pepper experiment

I have a friend that told one of his friends about my obsession with trying to get some of my favorite peppers to grow. As an experiment I am giving him Naga Morich, Fatelli, and Datil pepper seeds to start for me here is his set up -- Supposed to have a section so I can view them and I am dropping them off this weekend ---
its got a little forum group as well I have read thru quickly but I hope to meet him this weekend and see his setup. Im hoping to talk to him about setting a small hydro/aero thing up myself. He has some good info on there as well.
cool !! i try a lot of thing in mini grow room ...hydroaeroultrasonic growing work realy well but it's a lot of time spend on building the growing room ...and for the grow light , led are to expansive know to use them ,I really prefer Envirolite (mg) low cost,no balast ,really simple to use and REALY SAFE !!! maybe I'll post some thing about how make a good grow room if there is anybody interest in this :!:
Hey QF throw it up and lets see it --- Im really curious and interested in this growing method/s- -as soon as I get a link to my peppers I will post it up probably in my signature