Anyone in the Tampa-St. Petersburg area, if you didn't know already April 9-10 is the 10th annual pepper festival in Pinellas Park. I have linked the site. There are usually lots of sauce vendors, where if you were to sample every sauce they have, it should easily be more than 100 sauces. Most people make their own, and a few vendors carry other people's sauces. On top of that, there is a sauce contest on Saturday where they usually have 20-35 more sauces for you to sample and then vote on which one you liked the most. There are other vendors with other hot foods, and a few food vendors. We will be there as a vendor. I have full sized pepper plants that have already produced pods, which proves they are what they are supposed to be. These are flowering and setting pods right now. I also have seeds at a special discounted price, and hot pepper powder in the tubes. For plants, I should have Carolina Reaper, chocolate Bhutlah, 7 pot Douglah, MA Wartryx, and I might even bring a Aji Jobito with me.