food Pepper ice cream?

So, I've been wanting to try this out forever, but I haven't exactly had the resources to do so. However, my housemate has been raiding her graduating friends' houses, many of whom are giving away their belongings, and she picked up, among other things, an ice cream maker. Score!

Anyone have any tried-and-true recipes for chile ice cream? I was thinking about going for a peach or mango base alongside my Fatalii or Datils, or maybe a chocolate with Cayenne (since I have craploads of them already sitting in the freezer).

I guess I'm just confused as to how many peppers are safe to add for a given volume of ice cream, such that the flavor balance will be preserved and the heat won't be obnoxious. I know the dairy will cancel out a considerable portion of the heat, so... yeah.
So, I've been wanting to try this out forever, but I haven't exactly had the resources to do so. However, my housemate has been raiding her graduating friends' houses, many of whom are giving away their belongings, and she picked up, among other things, an ice cream maker. Score!

Anyone have any tried-and-true recipes for chile ice cream? I was thinking about going for a peach or mango base alongside my Fatalii or Datils, or maybe a chocolate with Cayenne (since I have craploads of them already sitting in the freezer).

I guess I'm just confused as to how many peppers are safe to add for a given volume of ice cream, such that the flavor balance will be preserved and the heat won't be obnoxious. I know the dairy will cancel out a considerable portion of the heat, so... yeah.

A local gelato place near me has a Chipotle Chocolate flavor. I can't help with proportions, but just wanted to support the idea of a cayenne chocolate. I'm guessing you could grind up some cayenne, and just mix it into some store bought chocolate so try and determine some sense of proportions? This is an interesting idea...might have to do some experimenting tonight just for fun. I'll report anything I learn. Cheers!
I saw that hot Italian girl on the food network put 1/2 a teaspoon of cayenne into a blender full of chocolate milkshake...
Have you considered making a sauce instead?

I've made a chocolate bhut sauce before to go with icecream :D

I used pear, chocolate syrup, i think i found a fruity vinegar but can't remember and then some choc bhuts :)

worked great :D
Would be easier to create a topping and then just add as much as you like.
Here's my take on ice cream toppings:

Habanero syrup

Soft candied habanero mix
one of my 1st fatali peppers i ate i chopped it up and added it to a dish of edys coconut pineapple ice cream (it is a vanilla base). it was hot but the ic tempered it and the pineapple in the ic was excellent with the fruity fatali taste.

i tried it with plain vanilla but it was not as good. i tried chocolate and also not as good.