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Pepper ID??? Early Scotch Bonnet???

So I got some seeds simply labeled Scotch Bonnet off Seed Train 2012 and started a couple. As they began to grow I knew something was up. They shot straight up like my annuums and their leaves were pointing the same direction. I posed the question on the train as to the origin of the seeds, but got no response. I was certain then that they were either a cross or just not the real deal. I posted some pics on my glog a while back and Greg (Pic1) told me of the "Early Scotch Bonnet" which is an annuum. So I read up on them to find out that they are a mild pepper with a good flavor. The two plants are putting on a ton of pods, and I am having a stuffed pepper dinner tonight so I decided to throw some on(still green) as mild popper for the fam. I cut into the first pod and thought something was up...I took a whiff and sure enough I smelled a hint of chinense. They're very thin walled and look very chinense...ish other than the cap which is very large and annuum like. I took a taste, and WOW very far from mild about equal to my cayennes. The bite I had was pure placenta so I am certain it is much hotter than the flesh...anyway here are some pics. I am going to let the rest ripen fully there are about 30 pods on each plant.








I had already removed (and eaten) the placenta...

So whatcha think? Early SB or some sort of cross???

Thanks in advance for any responses!
Looks like a SB to me. But I'm no expert lol! Nice looking pods!! :) I could chomp one of those down right now lol
Well they're not the usual chinense variety...they're definitely an annuum. I am just wondering mainly if they're the Early Scotch bonnet I was thinking the might be...they have a chinense flavor, and taste nothing like any annuum I have ever tried. I am leaning toward cross, but am really wondering if anyone on here has grown and eaten the Annuum variety, and if so does it look like this, have a chinense flavor and cayenne like heat???
I think they are actually Jamaican Hot
another pic here:

Some folks market the "Early Scotch Bonnet" annuum...these aren't mild like those are supposed to be. In searching I saw an old post from 2008 where you had a similar issue Potawie. Not too worried, just trying to get a positive ID so if I send out seeds I know what to call them so I don't spread the confusion! These pods are actually very good...a hint of chinense flavor, and a great heat level. Perfect size for small poppers and the heat was just enough that momma scowled at me just a bit after eating one...but she ate another shortly after.



I got 3 of the real deal going thanks to Matt (MJDiamond)

I will post some more pics of mine once I get some to ripen.