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Pepper ID help - 'kursani'

Hi all,
I am working on a project to assist some Bhutanese refugees that have settled in my area.  We are trying to assist them with growing some beloved little hot peppers that appear to be a big part of their diet.  Very cool project, but I am having trouble ID'ing the pepper.  They call them 'Kursani' peppers.  The only 'kursani' pepper I have found is the 'Dalle Khursani' which is a small, red, cherry type pepper that grows in that region, doesn't appear to be them.   These are green when harvested and sold, very small (1-2" long), very hot, and resemble a type of Thai pepper.  I was able to acquire a handful, I harvested the seeds but they did not germinate - no luck.
I have a picture, but I am unable to upload or post it here.  (Do you have to be a paid member to do that?) 
Any assistance greatly appreciated.  Email is bj @ loves2climb.com
Welcome from Romania!
No privileges to post picture. You need to upload it to a host site (photobucket, etc) and put the link in your post. The picture will be shown in your post.