Pepper Issues, Any Ideas?

Not a result of over watering, soil is damn but not wet, very light mix. I water once the trays feel significantly lighter and I can feel any moister in the soil.
Leaves are curling up, and turning yellow.
I have just stated adding a very weak fertilizer, and i moved the lights up. Doe anyone else have any recommendations?
I think some fertile will help.
Personal favorite, half strength fish ferts once a week.
It does not look terminal, so you have time.

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Are you using tap water? Do you pH it and do you know the ppm of it before you add ferts? I've had a problem like this and I think it was caused by water with too many solutes or maybe bad pH, my tap water comes out around 400 ppm and around 8.5 pH and when I add a little fert it's just too much, plants have a hard time taking up the water. There's a lot of different stuff in my tap water like chloramine, sodium, etc. that I discovered by searching for the water quality report from my city. Has growth gotten very slow on these plants as well?