Pepper leaves turning yellow'ish... Help please STAT!

Help!  Some of my peppers have yellow'ish leaves!  I just started feeding them with 1-1-1 liquid fertilizer... it is even less actually... It is Doctor Earth liquid 3-3-3 diluted down to 1/4 strength.  Can anyone give me any tips or am I ok?


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Looks like a lack of nitrogen or pH issues. What kind of medium are they in? It looks pretty plain.
Nitrogen issues, bump your feet to full strength and see if that helps. They are getting that phase of quick growth and they need more nitrogen!

So you're basically feeding them .05-.05.05? Without knowing your schedule I can't say for sure that you not feeding them enough by from those pictures it looks like nitrogen deficiency. Do they all seem to be turning yellow from the older leaves to newest?
Yes older leaves are more yellow than newer ones. I go. 0.25-0.25-0.25 a few times a week. The medium is peat moss
I probably water too much. About every other day
Plain peat + fertilizers = pH trouble.
I thought it might be lack of N but a few leaves show interveinal chlorosis.
Theyre probably having a hard time getting any nutrients.

If you bump your ferts to full strength you will probably make things worse really fast.
I suggest you repot into something other than plain peat, hopefully something with a little lime in it, and then start gradually raising the strength.

FGpepperguy said:
Yes older leaves are more yellow than newer ones. I go. 0.25-0.25-0.25 a few times a week. The medium is peat moss
I probably water too much. About every other day
And stop watering so much. :)
Looks like overwatering plus lack of nutrients. Definitely get them out of that peat. The PH of that stuff is very acidic, sometimes 4. The acidity of peat is supposed to be good for seed starting because it inhibits fungal growth, but after that, your plants need to be in something more balanced, like 6 ish.
Sunshine growers mix is good, I have heard farfard 3b is also good. Or a bag of potting soil from home depot, just be careful about buying anything that includes time released ferts. It should drain quickly and you may need to add perlite or some aggregate to help with drainage if you go with a cheaper bagged soil. 
Kelp is a good fertilizer, so is fish emulsion, but it stinks. Anything balanced and low-strength 5-5-5. If you want a soil that has nutrients included so you won't have to feed for a couple of months, I am having good results with fox farm soil. It is expensive but there is no guesswork, so it's a convenience thing for me. 
You may need to remove the yellowed leaves with sharp scissors. They don't usually improve, but you can wait a while and see.  