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Pepper maggots


Myself and a good friend are ate up with these and looking doesn`t show much for help on the web .Anyone ever dealt with these lil @@@@@@@ and any tips.Carpet bombing and napalm not an option. lol Wish that easy.Any advise would be great and thanks a bunch Rich
My sister had them in 2008. As a result, she no longer plants peppers or eggplants. I would first remove and throw out any pods that have have been compromised. This means searching for tiny dots on the skin where the flies have laid eggs. I would imagine that if you could cover the entire plant with something such as tulle you would be safe. They really suck. Sorry you have them.
We have them. They are the most ruthless critters in the garden. I hate them so much. They destroyed my ability to grow any larger type peppers. BS.

I had pepper maggots earlier this year. If you search on pepper maggots on my posts, I believe there are a few pics and some observations about the problem, from early July.

Bottom line, they destroyed about 1/3 of the pods on a handful of plants. It was gruesome, but it passed. By the time you see the maggot damage, it is too late. The flies insert the eggs through the pod skin, leaving a very small 1 to 3 mm white spot (but not a flesh puncture, just a superficial white skin puncture which is hard to see); then the eggs hatch and the maggots gorge inside the pepper; later they burrow out, leaving a hole or a few holes. By the time you see either the telltale while spot toward the stem end, or worse, a hole, it's already a done deal. You can spray the whole garden with insecticide, it won't matter; the eggs are already inside your pods.

But the thing is, at least in my case, they did not destroy every pepper. The flies pick certain pods, do their thing, and leave. Those pods are toast. If you have lots of plants, you will outlast the maggots.

I am studying up on what can be done next year to deter or pre-empt the flies from ever inserting the eggs into the pods, because that is the only way to prevent this mess.
seems like I remember reading somewhere that the pepper maggot pupae go into the soil and overwinter....so...treating the symptoms and infections on the plants do you no good at all...you have to treat your soil as well...here is a link on their life cycle...not the link I originally read, but good info still...

Yes they do go into the soil to over winter---lil bastar#s ,I`m lucky they have yet to hit me but my bud has has 50% pod lost and I thought i`d try here.Yea they hit june/july and you find out your (33333 !) in august.No real known treatment other than napalm in may.Thanks a bunch to everyone and any help will be greatly appreciated.I`ll most likely suggest to burn the soil this fall and see if George can return the favor to these lil monsters. Thanks too everyone and any ideas will be loved. Rich
Hey cmpman1974 what is the suggestion? If i`m missing a link i`m sorry big time! Downriver? Thanks for your help Rich