pepper mash enjoyer

Hi there,

I'm herecomesthehotstepper and I am a novice sriracha from pepper mash maker.

I've used the site before as a resource along with numerous youtube videos.

I have made 3 previous batches that went off without a hitch and they got progressively nicer so hooray!

However batch #4 which is sitting in a fermentation jar has started to develop some white spots on the top and well here I am creating an account to get some advice from you fine folk. Fingers crosses I'll be told to kahm down but if I have to throw it out lesson learned.

The hottest peppers I have available to me locally are scotch bonnets and habaneros. In the future I'd like to try my hand at growing peppers indoors - the climate here in Ireland, well you know yourself - so I'd love to get some basic 101 growing peppers indoors at some point.

Nice To Meet You GIF by Carlos Whittaker