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PEPPER OFF! I guess thats what ima call it... well this is kinda sort of a game for fun.. atleast i think it will be... alright getting to the point you have to take a picture of the pepper of your chosing and weigh it and take a picture of it on a scale or balance or what ever you may have to determine weight... Post the species of the pepper and then the picture and every week there will be a winner the winner doesnt get anything but they can have bragging rights for the week i guess until someone beats the record weight for that species if no one beats it then it is the record holder until someone grows a heavier one.. i think it will be cool this isnt my picture because i didnt get a weighing device yet but it will be something like this... I am sure most of you guys have some sort of scale on hand from making sauces and such... Kinda like this but with just one pepper. I think this is a annuum if its not i dont care its just a example.

capsicum annuum

i hope people would like to do this it just seems cool but who am i lol
those look like Bell Peppers to me?

If so, then yes absolutely annuum.

its an interesting idea... I wish I had thought/heard about this 4000 pods ago since now I'm moving away from my garden...

But hey, its all good. maybe next year, or this fall perhaps?