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Pepper plant in a can


eXtreme Business
A couple weeks ago, I saw on ThinkGeek that they were selling a pepper plant in a can setup. I ordered 3 cans for $15 as a gag gift to myself, and since I at least wanted a holdover between now and when I move.

The system was pretty self-explanatory, put the seeds into the sandy medium, add water, and then wait. Two weeks later, I can now report that two of the three cans have all 3 Butch T seeds sprouted, and the third has a single sprout. Pics coming soon!
I got a couple as a gift recently and had good germ rates (3/4 in one, 6/6 in other). The starter mix medium in the can seemed to work well. I have since transferred them to soil. I had some problems with fungus gnats, but a few survived. Damn superhots take forever to grow though.
Back in 05 I got a pepper grow gift from my gran of cayenne chillies.

No drainage. Seeds sprouted and died. No Suprise
I had these in 2011. Decent germ rates, at that point they were using Bhut Jolokia. Unfortunately, I didn't get enough sun and they didn't grow fast enough to outrun the New England Winter, and got encased in a block of ice in the Halloween ice storm we had that year. I germinated mine on top of my wireless router, which worked pretty well. Didn't get a single ripe pepper from them before the ice storm hit :( I pulled mine from the little cans and put them in bigger pots once they got larger.

Good luck! You probably won't have the ice issues I had :) They are a little pricey, but mildly amusing, and have real plants in them, so...