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hot-sauce Pepper Sauce From Panama

Hello all,

My sister was in Panama about a month ago, and brought me home a couple bottles of hot sauce. It was a bright yellow sauce that was slightly chunky. It had a homemade label that read HOT BOCAS PEPPERS.

My question is: Have any of you ever been to Panama, and if so what do you think this pepper sauce may be? I love the taste of the sauce although I wish it was hotter. My first guess is that it is scotch bonnet based, but alas, I am just a rookie pepperhead. It was suggested to me that mustard may have been used to get the yellow color, however, there isnt much of a mustard taste. Thanks in advance for any suggestions. I would love to get my hands on more of it, or find some that is hotter.
hmm interesting if my spanish serves me right BOCOS means mouths so it would be Hot mouths peppers this is not describing the type of peppers in the sauce but more like describing what they will do sort of a flash name bet its good be intersting to know what peppers where used, im betting it was a Habanero of some type?? did it have a habanero flavor?? thanks your friend Joe
Bocas Del Toro or Bocas is a province in the Caribbean of Panama. There are local restaurants and one, Lili's Café, is known for their hot pepper sauce. If the sauce did come from a local restaurant, I wish you luck finding it in the states. Hopefully you can find someone on here that has tasted the sauce and can recommend something similar for you. Ask you sister where she bought the sauce and hopefully Google can help you contact someone.