Pepper species combinations that go good?

So these are the plants I'm growing this year. I'm already getting excited. I'm wondering how to use these, and if some of these peppers compliment each other to mix in sauce, jam, pickles, or crushed pepper.
JALORO (jalapeño)

I want to make a lot of hot sauce ( maybe 3 different kinds). Next I want to go heavy on the pickles! I never made a jam before but I'd love to try , and lastly I'd like to make some crushed pepper.

A lot of these plants are new to me this year so I'm not sure of their flavor. I read on this forum actually that Tabasco makes a really great crushed pepper so I was thinking I can use the Hawaiian red kona's for that.

I'm not asking for recipes just seeing what some of you're ideas would be with these types of peppers and which ones would compliment each other.

This will be interesting!
Probably best if you try them first and decide on what you think goes well together.

Myself looking at that list I wouldn't combine many/if any of those varieties with each other in sauces (excpet maybe the yellow seven and the fatalii) or fresh as each has its own distinct flavour (except the multitude of Jalapeno's maybe?) that is best enjoyed as its own entity in my opinion.
Powdered you may be able to combine a few of them to come up with a great tasting powder (ie again the fatalii and Yellow 7 pot/pod would work well together as a yellow powder)

For sauces and fresh maybe it would be better to food match them with other things like fruits/vegetables and dishes (ie bhut jolokia in a nice Indian style curry such as a Cinnamon and fenugreek scented curry) or the fatalii and yellow 7 pot with chicken or fish dishes where I think they go best or a nice thai red/green curry or Rendang.

Jalapeno have there obvious uses with Mexican inspired dishes and with nice cheese's as well.

Me myself Chilli's go on everything but you develop a personal taste of what goes best with certain foods once you have tried it in my opinion
What Trippa said. Personally, I like using Tepins/Pequins as an all-purpose spice pepper that goes on pretty much anything. Haven't tried the Kona before so you'll just need to taste and see. You could also try infusing oils/alcohol with peppers. I'm partial to tequila for peppers, but vodka works too if you want to start with a more neutral flavor profile.

Datil, Fatalii and Yellow 7 should all pair pretty well. I found the Fatalii to be slightly fruiter and hotter than the Datil, but they're very similar.
Same profile pic bro! Just kidding. I would think maybe datil and a cayenne would work well as a powder. As far as a sauce of course I would think datil is best left alone, in my experience...but you could try a datil and a really hot pepper together for a sauce too. That would be awesome to try out.