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Pepper taste

Maybe I'm doing something wrong.... Or I just have messed up taste buds and nose.... I've been testing some of my peppers ripe and unripe to get a feel for what I like at what stages....

My scotch bonnets ripen to a red orange, ripe and unripe they smell and taste like bell peppers.... Unripe they're not hot at all, ripe they're significantly hotter than my white Habs and store bought orange Habs....

My Santa fe grande, I've only had unripe.... Bell pepper smell, slightly sweeter bell pepper taste than the scotch bonnets with just a hint of heat....

But my white Habs have a slight lemony scent and taste, but not as much flavor as store bought orange habaneros and slightly hotter....

Too much water? Lacking nutrients? What would cause everything to taste and smell like bell peppers?
The question you missed in the last part of your post is where you got the seeds or seedlings from. Also, sometimes peppers with no heat during early stages turn atomic when they ripen. I had a nasty but good surprise with my filius blues last year, which had no heat until the end when they heat level was really up there.
Too many variables for anyone to give you a concrete answer to your question. I can say that the "Bell Pepper" smell, is most likely the smell of an unripened pepper. Unripe peppers also have more of a grassy taste or "Bell Pepper" quality to them. Nutes can play a role in the flavor of produce but I don't know much about the science behind that. I do know that I've never heard anyone say that their peppers (or vegetables) have less taste than store bought product. Remember, you are comparing two different peppers as well (store bought orange hab to your white hab)
I have to second the too many variables idea. Your pods will change taste through out the season. Kind of cool really
Taste doesn't bother me too much, it's more about the heat, but I'd like to get more into the taste of them.... The white hab seeds came from a different vendor than the rest of my seeds.... And I haven't seen any reviews on the vendor about everything tasting like bell peppers, so it must be something I'm doing....

Waiting on another scotch bonnet to ripen on this other plant that hasn't been watered as much, then I can kind of narrow down the cause....
I suspect you just aren't letting them ripen enough, though white habs are as you described, less taste but what there is, is like typical hab with a hint of citrus.
The longer they ripen on the plant, the sweeter they are going to taste as more sugars are produced. I really like to let my pods fully ripen, as i am not fond of the green taste. Like a week or three once hitting the final color all over, but not letting them get soft. Each type can stay different lengths, so you gotta pay attention to know how long is too long. Be to each there own.
I have been picking most of the white Habs as soon as they fully ripen, leaving a few on a few extra days and one or two randomly are taken off as they start to ripen.... The one scotch bonnet that has ripened, it started on a Monday and by that Friday, it wasn't finished but the following Monday it had already started to soften and was fully ripe....

My Santa fe grandes are tolerable unripe with the bell pepper taste, it's sweeter than most bell peppers and just enough heat to be noticed