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Pepper Variety Profiles

I think it would be neat if this (or a) site had a section devoted to specific variety profiles. What I mean is that someone could create a thread on a specific variety such as "Fatalii" or (Jalapeno "Early")and any other member could add their own photos, growing experiences, taste opinions, etc.

If these profiles existed it would make my life easier when I want to find information and opinions on a specific variety. I wouldn't have to spend as many hours looking through tons of threads and sites. The Dave's Garden website does something like this but there isn't much feedback there in the pepper section.

What do you all think?
Sounds like a good idea, there are a few threads out there specific to variety at the moment most of these I have found in "Growing hot peppers", but if they were in a dedicated section it would make life easier i guess.
Awesome idea!

Maybe nowhere near as informative as you are looking for but some online databases do exist. I guess it's a start.

You may want to check out:


Sounds great! Hope they can do it. If everyone were to put just one chilli up I'm sure there would be tonnes to look through.
Then everyone else can add pics and tasting notes, how big they grow etc.
Good Idea, especially for Noobs. Maybe should PM THP and ask to set up a seperate catagory under the growing peppers forum. Then leave it up to people to start threads on each pepper. Although there are so many crosses out there not sure what we'd end up with. Sure sounds interesting
my preference would be to have a disease or sickness section, subsections with specific issues like edema, sunburn, mites, aphids, nutrient deficencies with lots of pictures and cures.
I think it would be neat if this (or a) site had a section devoted to specific variety profiles. What I mean is that someone could create a thread on a specific variety such as "Fatalii" or (Jalapeno "Early")and any other member could add their own photos, growing experiences, taste opinions, etc.

If these profiles existed it would make my life easier when I want to find information and opinions on a specific variety. I wouldn't have to spend as many hours looking through tons of threads and sites. The Dave's Garden website does something like this but there isn't much feedback there in the pepper section.

What do you all think?
just ask Q about any Variety ... and we will try to help