food Peppered Reaper Bacon

I had some bacon curing and after the latest TD , I decided to do a tester with reaper.
I ended up doing just a  plain sugar maple smoked, a black peppered smoked and a small hunk of this  reaper black peppered bacon.  Soo good.    Still saving the end pieces as yet. Its gonna be in a epic Bacon and tomato sandwich for lunch tomorrow.  :drooling:


No worries.. the British still kick all our butts with Wiltshire bacon..  best of both worlds, belly and loin.   .  We don't have proper butcher shops here , so sourcing a piece of belly with loin attached is hard.. I  might have to break down and buy some of that meat glue Transglutaminase crap and fake it . 
Ashen said:
No worries.. the British still kick all our butts with Wiltshire bacon..  best of both worlds, belly and loin.   .  We don't have proper butcher shops here , so sourcing a piece of belly with loin attached is hard.. I  might have to break down and buy some of that meat glue Transglutaminase crap and fake it . 
Just replaced my Moo Glue, as a matter of fact ... it expires for being enzymatic ...