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PepperJam's Superhot Tasting Chronicles

Wife was cooking some curry, i told her i'd pick a pepper from my garden to add some heat to it rather than just add seranos. I picked my only ripe yellow 7pod. Since this is my first time handling super hot peppers i was super careful. Had my nitrile gloves on, my dedicated pepper cutting board and knife. I shopped it up into 1 inch squares or so. Took out the seeds to dry, and put the pepper segments into a glass jar.

In the curry, it was good, slight heat, i guess i put too little (4 small pieces). I thought 1 pod was enought for 7 pots of cooking :D Maybe thats a myth.

I decided its time to try a fresh super hot. I've been trying powders this past 6 months to get my body ready for the real fresh stuff :D

I put a 1 inch segment in my mouth, chewed it thoroughly, i wouldn't swallow and so my saliva made it into a 7pod mouthwash as i was trying to figure out the taste of it. It was slightly fruity, my mouth was burning, but it was not that bad. It lasted for 5-10 minutes and it was ok.

I was expecting a reaction like, ahhhh my mouth get me milk! :mouthonfire: but i was good. Let's see how other peppers do.

Here are some pics.





That yellow 7 pod looks great.

Congrats for surviving it with such ease.

I remember when I ate my first super hot pod, I literally changed color to bright red.
The wife mocked me for weeks.

Hhhmmm I would have to say the heat in your yellow 7's isn't what it should be. Happens. Try a whole one next time, see if it's the same.
Yellow 7's should be plenty hot so some things that may have contributed: The early season pods which generally are cooler than the pods from the heat of summer. (Even though I imagine Sugarland is pretty hot the last month) Also the piece you had may have been from the bottom of the pod farther away from the placenta. Finally you may just be a SuperHot eating machine or possibly your family line has more bird than frog in it. LOL Either way great job that pepper looked mean and perfect.
Hey PepperJam, I would think the myth is based on a standard red 7 pod, but also I guess it depends on who is eating the 7 pots of stew. Did you try sampling a small piece of the pepper raw? I like to learn a peppers capacity for heat and flavor this way first and then determine the quantity needed for the meal or sauce. Dispersing it with other foods will balance the heat lower too. I fell certain that I am not telling you anything you didn't already know! I would do as Patrick suggested for the next try and most likely Beaglestorm is correct about your heat tolerance.

Take care, Mike
yeah it does sound like the heat in your chilli was not what it should be But you got to love the taste of them
I tried a 7pod segment with more placenta and it was the same heat as my first try.

My second pepper was a yellow fatalli. It looked gorgeous. I took another 1 inch square out of it, chewed it real fast and swallowed. My throat started to burn real bad, i needed water to open the passage way, but after that it was all good. I think i ate the pepper too fast. Fatalli had a much more fruity taste than the yellow 7pod. Strange that the fatalli was worse than 7pod.

Anyways, i sliced them up and put rest of the 7pod and 2 fatallis into a dehydrator to make some flakes. Let's see how that goes. Here are some pics of the Fatalli,


after dehydrating halfway


all this humidity must be slowing down the dehydrator. I'm doing this outside as i don't want the capiscum molecules messing with my family :mouthonfire: :D
first pod and you took the seeds out - the 7's ARE hot dont worry - try again in another month - and fatalli's kick my behind IDK why but they are brutal Im ok with the others but man :mouthonfire:
Just got my butt whooped. I think you guys were right, the yellow 7pod must have been faulty. I ate a 1 inch segment. I chewed it and made it a red 7pod mouthwash like I did the yellow 7pod. At first it was ok, but then it grew and grew. My mouth was on fire like never before. It wouldn't go down but got worse. I tried Ice cream, milk, yogurt, nothing helped. Just got worse.

My wife mentioned trying sticking the tounge out face down into a cup and let the drool leave the tounge. It worked. Phew!!!

Just worried what's gonna happen southside. Here is a pick of the killer pod.

Tomorrow will be red bhut jolokia.

Awesome stuff here. This is my first season with the superhots. I cant wait until they all ripen, I want to try them all!!! Congrats on the Bhut, I figured it would be pretty serious.. I guess I'll have to find out for my self! :mouthonfire:
Tried the maga morich today. It was fruity and very hot but not as hot as the red 7pod, naga was hotter than the bhut. Some pics.

