Pepperproblem`s Memorial

Hi All,
Pepperproblem`s memorial was held yesterday afternoon on the beach in Solana Beach, just north of San Diego. Specifically, at a surf break known as TableTops.
There were 40-50 people there and it was a really lovely event, full of wonderful people. I have not had that many hugs since my Grandparents were alive!!! 
Shawn`s ashes were taken out to the break by number of his surfing friends and he was returned to the ocean just at sundown. 
It was not a somber occasion at all, although many tears were shed, but a far more joyous one that left me feeling very happy to have been a part of it, however small. 
Shawn`s family and friends were also very complimentary about the people on THP and how much support they had gained from reading the posts here. Many plants were given away and we may see an increase in THP members soon! People also took the Douglah powder that was Shawn`s last hands-on project that I had finished off. I did warm people very explicitly how hot it was, but I think people just wanted something that Shawn had been part of. 
It was a great event, for a great person. RIP, buddy.
I'm sure that all your help and concern for Shawn's belongings was appreciated by all who was there, it was a very good deed that you done and I'm sure that Shawn's send off was a wonderful tribute to his life.
Sounds like a fitting send off. Thanks Nigel for representing that great pepper/chilli community spirit with a fellow member and his loved ones .
thanks for being there to represent the Chilehead family.  Glad the family knows there are tons of friends here. 