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Peppers & Questions

some pics of some first pods.......

how long tiny pepper to ripe normally ??

7 pot



Baby Chocolate Habs


Anybody know what kinda bug this is????

Those pods look great!!! At this state they'll probably need another week or two to ripen, given they're fully grown by now.

I can hardly see the bug properly, so it is hard to tell. Only very few bugs are nasties, so unless they are all over your plants and feed off the peppers and leaves, I wouldn't care! Some of them eat nasties, so you might even be lucky!!!
Heres your bug a little enlarged:


Looks like some type of chafer beetle, I'd just brush it off the plant to be safe.

Adult chafers eat the leaves and flowers of many deciduous trees, shrubs and other plants, but rarely cause any serious damage.

Chafer Beetle (Harmless, doesnt sting or bite)

I get Lacewings and Hoverflys all over my peppers, which is a good thing!

Dont kill these!

Hoverfly (Look and fly like bees and wasps, but are harmless and cant sting):

Lacewing (creepy looking bug, also harmless):
thanks for the responses......

i do have the chafer beetles...but this one looks a lil different ..... i knocked it off (it was actually on a cucumber plant)