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Perils of Gardening

I was applying a second round of slow release ferts to my pepper plants yesterday. My method was to reach under the landscape fabric around the base of each plant, and break up the top few inches of soil with my fingers before mixing in ferts. As I was about to put my hands under one, this crawled out... A good reason to wear gloves.
I love spiders and keep a lot of them around but those are not even fun to raise. Got bit by a brown recluse this year all I can say is it hurts worse when yer old but the medicine is much better than it was in the sixties when I first got bit as a baby.
We have had two Tarantulas in the house this last week. The last heavy rains have flooded them out of their holes. The first one crawled out from behind the coffee pot last Tuesday only to say hello to my wife as she was getting her morning cup. She called me at work swearing at me, saying I must have put it there. Not that isn't something I wouldn't do, but I have yet to learn how to put a Tarantula on a down stay! 
SL3 said:
We have had two Tarantulas in the house this last week. The last heavy rains have flooded them out of their holes. The first one crawled out from behind the coffee pot last Tuesday only to say hello to my wife as she was getting her morning cup. She called me at work swearing at me, saying I must have put it there. Not that isn't something I wouldn't do, but I have yet to learn how to put a Tarantula on a down stay! 
Just remind her no tarantulas are deadly unless you have a serious allergic reaction. I've been tagged a dozen times. Like a bad wasp just with more physical damage due to fang size.
Ticks have been really bad this year too. Trying to keep the yard mowed and weeded, and wearing 40+% deet seems to help :)
Wow. All the times i am jealous of growers with more tropical weather and longer growing seasons, this really makes me appreciate Michigan. Odds are heavily in favor of NOT dealing with poisonous spiders
I used to live in Southern California and co-existed with black widows, rattle snakes and tarantulas. Didn't like them, but found out that if you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. We have northern widows here in south-western Ontario but they're very rare.

Yeah, My hats off to anyone who survives day to day in the outback. And you cant escape danger by diving into the water, fresh or salt.