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pests Pest Control: Best solutions

White fly ,Green fly and other things you don't want eating your crop.

Has anyone found any natural ( or not so natural ways of getting rid of them ).
From what I can work out the eggs for these thing can be in the soil/compost
so sterilisation of the soil is the answer along with a microwave over for 2 mins.

Anyone else ?
A couple of things you might try for natural pest control... Pyrethrin is an insecticide made from an extract of English Daisies. It's a nerve poison for insects and it's very non-specific... everything it touches will die, beneficial or not. The good news is that within a day or two it oxidizes into harmless organic components and doesn't leave any toxic residues like organochlorides. Just don't spray it during blossoming because it'll kill the pollinators. Make sure you spray under the leaves and drench the soil when applying.
The other thing that I've tried is tobacco tea. Put about nine grams of chewing tobacco in a half a liter of boiling water and let steep until it reaches room temperature. Strain out the tobacco bits and apply like the pyrethrin. It will also oxidize into non-toxic organic components.
In both cases, don't breathe the spray and try not to get any on your skin when applying it.
I use a product called gnatrolwdg last year when I purchased Miracle gro organic soil and they add the extra unwanted guest. It worked by the second watering with the application they were gone.
I use a product called gnatrolwdg last year when I purchased Miracle gro organic soil and they add the extra unwanted guest. It worked by the second watering with the application they were gone.

Sounds good.

I use a product called gnatrolwdg last year when I purchased Miracle gro organic soil and they add the extra unwanted guest. It worked by the second watering with the application they were gone.
A couple of things you might try for natural pest control... Pyrethrin is an insecticide made from an extract of English Daisies. It's a nerve poison for insects and it's very non-specific... everything it touches will die, beneficial or not. The good news is that within a day or two it oxidizes into harmless organic components and doesn't leave any toxic residues like organochlorides. Just don't spray it during blossoming because it'll kill the pollinators. Make sure you spray under the leaves and drench the soil when applying.
The other thing that I've tried is tobacco tea. Put about nine grams of chewing tobacco in a half a liter of boiling water and let steep until it reaches room temperature. Strain out the tobacco bits and apply like the pyrethrin. It will also oxidize into non-toxic organic components.
In both cases, don't breathe the spray and try not to get any on your skin when applying it.

Christ , sounds lethal. I'll try it !
Let me know how it works I had an awful whitefly problem last year! Because they fly around they are hard to deal with. I thought about some sticky traps, but if they are in the soil I might be screwed again this year. I did some yard work yesterday because it was in the high 50's and the neighbor has some ivory that grows through and onto my fence, I've always left it as it looks cool but yesterday as I kicked it whiteflys flew out of it!! Already!! I cut it all down man they were bad last year and I'm afraid unless I do something it may be worse this year so keep us posted if you will.
A couple of things you might try for natural pest control... Pyrethrin is an insecticide made from an extract of English Daisies. It's a nerve poison for insects and it's very non-specific... everything it touches will die, beneficial or not. The good news is that within a day or two it oxidizes into harmless organic components and doesn't leave any toxic residues like organochlorides. Just don't spray it during blossoming because it'll kill the pollinators. Make sure you spray under the leaves and drench the soil when applying

I heard of Pyrethrin while watching one of my fav shows, Billy the Exterminator! :) Do you know if it's a 'spray as needed' only, or if it can be a pest preventive/deterrent as well?
I heard of Pyrethrin while watching one of my fav shows, Billy the Exterminator! :) Do you know if it's a 'spray as needed' only, or if it can be a pest preventive/deterrent as well?
It oxidizes into harmless organic components in a day or so, so no, it's not a preventive/deterrent...
I live in the UK and I can't find ]Pyrethrin anywhere. For the moment it's going to have to be microwaving the soil then put the nutrients back into it with plant grow liquids. Not the best idea but I'm not seeing much choice, and I'm blowed if I'm going to have these little buggers eat the rest of my crop. 80% of it has gone.!![/background]
It won't kill the plant. I dilute some dish soap in water, put it in a spray bottle and keep it handy at all times. Does wonders on aphids, especially.
I rotate between pyrethrins, soaps, chiles, garlic, tobacco, neem but nothing works as well as natural predators like ladybugs
Make sure soaps aren't anti-bacterial or full of perfumes and junk
Yep! Dish soap works well on lots of things... Kills spiders and armor beetles too; armor beetles have been attacking my butterfly bushes and it takes care of them pretty well. Just gotta keep going out and spraying like every day until you make a dent in the population
haha, well we usually get a window sill full of ladybugs each year, so no shortage on them :) Will the soap kill the ladybugs? Also, is there a time/stage that soaking the plant and or soil cold hurt the plant or it's process etc?