pests Pest ID?


I come very saddened by a mysterious pest thoroughly enjoying my jalapenos  :mope:
Every one I have opened up so far looks something like the pic above (sorry - cellphone pic). Somewhat rotten/slimy placenta/inner wall of pepper. Just recently I noticed holes bored through the walls of the pepper, although they aren't obvious from the outside. No sign of the perpetrator(s) yet. 
Any thoughts? Is my whole harvest of jalapenos doomed? I haven't noticed this in my other peppers, that's not to say a bunch haven't been 'bugged' but just nothing to the extent of my jalapenos. 
Many thanks.
I have no luck with jalapeños either. I find the tiny holes and obvious problems on those peppers. I can't remember cutting any open as I always just get frustrated and toss them.
Im interested to see what folks say regarding a specific bug that goes for jalapeños.
Lucky for me in NY i get a few pods of any type with pepper maggots in them. You wanna talk grossed out and pissed off? Bring a nice pod inside and cut it open to find a maggot in it... nice....
Sounds like pepper maggot to me. Not much you can do about them. Yellow stickies to see if adults are around then neem spray but from what I've read its not that effective. Clean out the garden well before winter, no fruit left behind.
Oh there are things you can do but if you identify the bug then you may not have to take a brute force approach like Sevin that kills practically all insects including beneficial ones.
Anyway my guess is small moths ->  eggs ->  worms.  It might help to check the plants late at night and early morning.
Sevin is a little sketchy in my opinion. Ive read both sides of it and Im not one of those tree hugging "no gmo, only organic, blah blah" people. I wouldn't use it as of today. Im gonna try a DE application to the fruit next season a few times as Im sick of throwing stuff out from pepper maggots.
Nobody else has a guess for Clintfraser?