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Peter Pepper: Anyone ever grow it?

I didn't bother with it last year since there were so many C. chinense species to try out, but for some reason I decided I might try it out next year if I have the extra money to grow something besides the varieties that hold my top priorities. It was probably mostly sparked by the response I got from a friend recently when I told him I chocolate-covered some peppers (variety: Pimenta de Cheiro) with sweetened coconut flakes, after which he said something along the lines of "covering a pepper with chocolate is like covering a penis with chocolate--I won't touch it."

Ironically, this same person used to like hot stuff, and used to use a few packs of Fire sauce when we'd go to Taco Bell... I bet he doesn't do that either anymore. I actually doubt that he ever even experienced much heat beyond a few Fire sauce packets, but he claims peppers give him heartburn, but that's beside the point.

So I got the idea of growing a Peter Pepper again just for the hell of it, mostly for the seemingly-endless jokes that can be made. And now I'm wondering, from anyone who actually grew it: is it worth it? As in, do they really frequently form to look like little dicks hanging on the plant, or does the plant produce a bunch of duds (ie. peppers that don't grow true to form and have little or no resemblance)? Does the plant produce a lot? And is there any use other than making jokes--ie., do the peppers actually taste any good? And last, what is the heat comparable to?
Try a site search, we had a bit of a contest one year but very dissapointing. I'm not at all fond of the flavor and its quite rare to actually have pods that look like a unit, you really have to stretch your imagination. They are on my top 10 of least favorite peppers :(
Try a site search, we had a bit of a contest one year but very dissapointing. I'm not at all fond of the flavor and its quite rare to actually have pods that look like a unit, you really have to stretch your imagination. They are on my top 10 of least favorite peppers :(
Damn, that sucks. I didn't see that topic you mentioned, I'll go do a check. And I'll probably just not bother with it. :( Oh well.
Many of us here have grown them unfortunately
I don't know if there are different strains out there or not but it seems people either love them or hate them
We grew them this year and had really good luck with them. Seeds from Peppermania had great germination rates (almost 100% I think), the plants were loaded with mis-shaped pods, never did find one that perfectly resembled a "unit" but there were lots that were close. :lol:

We liked the flavor, pretty mild heat, probably less than a jalapeno, but I had red ones and orange ones and they worked really well as a filler pepper in some hot sauces I made this fall. Something to give a little more volume to the sauce and still giving it a pepper taste.

If you have a spot or two, give peters a shot, they're fun if nothing else. :)
I'm trying them come spring, just for fun. People I hear either love them or hate them.

I have a few seeds that were sent to me from a friend in Texas, I don't know if they are red or yellow. I can send a pinch to you to try, if you like.