Peter Pepper

I'm getting desperate here, I've decided that I just have to grow Peter Peppers once in my lifetime and so far I have tried seeds from 3 different sources and not a single one has sprouted.

Does anyone have a few good seeds to spare? I'm also looking for Bih Jolokia, Douglah and Yellow 7 although it really is too late to plant those for the 2010 season - but there is always next year.
i dont have seeds but i do have a plant.. its flowering at the moment so if it sets some pods i can send you some.. not sure if it will or not but i'll keep you posted :)
i'm just hoping i get some p-p looking ones.. i've heard that they dont always grow true to form :)
Hey Arboc i can help you with the Douglah and Yellow 7-pod seeds. The seeds are open pollinated however they are free which should make up for that!
Send moi a pm if you wanty.
Hey I have yellow and Red Peter Pepper seeds - isolated, and Y7 non isolated seeds to spare. Am extremely busy at the moment preparing for the chilli festival here but if you send me a PM next week then I won't forget to send them. Let me know if you want any.
I planted 8 peter pepper seeds this year and only 2 grew, they are going nuts now, about 6" tall and on their 7th set of true leaves, they are getting little leaves growing from the nodes of the true leaves as well, I will definately be saving seeds this year, so I should be a source next season. They seem like a very tall plant, the other varieties I planted at the same time are short and bushy and they have been grown in exactly the same place/way.
I have been promised seeds for red and yellow Peters, Y7 and Bhut Jolokia. Thank you very much! Still looking for Bih, like to grow all the "nagas" to see if they really are different.
I had two plants growing earlier this year MrArboc. I really wanted to grow some for shits and giggles and found that they don't usually end up looking like you hoped they would. They aren't too far off, but they aren't very close either. Then when things started to get crowded under the lights I had to decide which plants I wanted to keep. They weren't one of them. I didn't care for the flavor or mild heat. I have seeds on hand for the Red Peter that I can send out if the others fall through for some reason.
If you still need seeds for the red Peter let me know
I too didn't care for the taste or the normal look of the Peter pepper, its actually on my never grow again list. I've only ever had one decent looking "Peter", usually you really have to stretch your imagination
Thanks for the offers Blister and POTAWIE, but WCA is going to send me isolated seeds for both the red and yellow Peters. If they don't work out I'll give up. This is just a hang-up I have but I realize that they seldom look like they are "supposed" to and aren't very tasty. Actually - I haven't heard of anyone who likes the taste of them.
I guess I am one of the rare few who actually likes the taste of Peter Peppers regardless of whether they grow true to form or not. I will say that most were eaten months later from jars of pickled okra...but out of all the peppers we stuffed in the jars, the PP's had the best flavor with a really nice sweetness to them and some decent heat.
Mr A I've got a few Bih seeds if you're still looking for some. AJ sent me some and I'm not going to be able to plant them all. Be happy to send you a couple. PM me your address again please.