Peter Peppers and other novelty plants

The flavor is OK but I am not a fan of the texture.  I started growing them a few years ago for their novelty.  At market, they sell well after the giggling.  Now growing both red and yellow fairly regularly.  Curious to know if other folk grow them or other novelty peppers.
I grew some last year. I didn't care for the flavor and not all had the novelty shape. A few did, though. I'm hoping Rymerpt has better luck with the seeds I sent him. I'll feel bad if he has the same luck I had.
I liked the red peter peppers I grew last year. Most of them did not look like what they were named for but some did. Probably 1/4 of the peppers harvested looked as advertised. The rest were close, some had the fold at the tip but were pointed instead of round others had the right look but curled into almost circular shapes like some cayennes do. I pickled most of them.

Most of the novelty peppers I grow are the dark leaved ornamentals. Purple Flash, Black Pearl, Black Olive, Conga, Explosive Ember. Explosive ember had the best flavor and they were tiny so you could pick the ripe ones and snack on them around the garden.

I did grow the Medusa ornamental before too. Fruits look like thai peppers but have no heat (and barely any flavor unfortunately). Tricked a few friends with them pretty good. Gave them a real thai while I eat the medusa. Their mouths on fire and I'm licking my fingers laughing
quibz, ye I have never had more than half turn out the way they should look despite saving seed for that attribute.  But half is enough cause they are mainly for fun and laughs.