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Peter peppers

Peter peppers finally got to full size and are fruiting. I kept one good bush and gave the others to Friends. So I thought I'd post this part review.

The easiest chilli plants I've ever grown. No deaths.
Very bushy with lots of pods.
Pods are a decent size.

Dislikes - Looks nothing like they say they look on some websites, ebay etc, talk about over exaggerations.

I'll post my taste findings when they are ready for picking.
Ya I find its quite rare for the pods to actually look like a unit, and they aren't very tasty either. We sort of had a peter pepper growing competition a few years ago but it was quite dissapointing :(
Ya I find its quite rare for the pods to actually look like a unit, and they aren't very tasty either. We sort of had a peter pepper growing competition a few years ago but it was quite dissapointing :(

hahahaha sorry, but that just sounds so funny hahaha huh, ain't ever seen one of em before i think or maybe I have.. haha
Taste a little salty eh??

I don't know if I want to know how you might know.... haha I jokes :D

You guys made me think of a bit by Louis CK. Dazastar, I hope it is ok for me to post this. I don't want to completely derail your thread. If you don't find this funny I would be more than happy to delete my reply.

Warning! This video may be offensive to some. Contains profanities and sexually explicit content.

Haha, Josh I haven't had the chance to see Louis CK do any of his standup work...the guy is funny!

Now I'm checking out some of his other material on You Tube...haha!


Sorry. We certainly know how to derail a thread here at THP but I swear if you stick around you will enjoy yourself.

Back to the reason this thread was even started...

I have never grown the peter pepper. I don't really have anything to contribute but would love to see some pictures of your progress. If you have a webcam you should do a video review. They are always fun to watch and helpful for other growers considering that variety.
Yes, we should get this thread back on track...

I ordered two pkts of Red Peter pepper seed from Pepper Joes back in October with the intention of growing these peppers.

But after reading all of the threads that others here have posted about their Peter Pepper experiences, I'm gonna grow other peppers instead...I only have so much room, and want to make the most of my space with some better peppers than the 'Chilli Willy'.

Welllll...I'm probably one of the few...but.....

We like Peter Peppers. Mild-Medium heat, OK flavor, nice to use fresh. Very easy to grow, produced a ton and I found them to be great "filler" peppers when making some dehydrated chile blends.

I didn't have enough of any one kind of several different peppers, so I dried everything and separated them by color. I had both orange and red peters, and they filled out the powders quite nicely. Provided some bulk without overpowering the taste.

And even though we never got a pod truly representative of it's namesake, they sure had some funky shapes and they were a ton of fun to give seedlings to others and to see their expressions when you tell them why they are so named~~ :lol:

I'm kinda bummed that alot of folks haven't gotten the real deal with their peter peppers. I got 4 plants from a gardener at a local farmers market last summer. It was a bit warm, so I probably only got 30 or so pods from them, but at least 85% had a dead on un-cut hot dog sort of appearance. Dunno if the following pics count as NSFW, but they're all from my garden. :cool:







The last one is some cute little late season nubbies. I was scooting them around the cutting board playing peter pepper pokemon for an hour. :lol:
EOF, those peppers really look like they are measuring up to their publisized hype.

I suppose if more growers were getting your results with growing these, they wouldn't feel like they were left holding the short end of the stick.;)

OK, I have some picks of my peters finaly - And looks like one of them man-ed up! Can't believe the change in just a few days.




.....I'm so proud
You really need to use your imagination for the Peter pods to look like a unit. Personally I've gotten better looking mushroom heads from Yellow 7 and chocolate Scotch bonnets


I'm with SL, I like to grow them for powder. I also have a friend who enters chili contests and he likes them in his powder, as well, so that's the main reason I grow them. I agree, their shape is not quite all that.