Pete's Wicked Ale

The Hot Pepper

I remember when microwbrews were all the rage, this stuff was all over. I remember it being pretty horrible. This was a long time ago, so I was just wondering if anyone sees this stuff around anymore, and if it is as bad as I remember (I wasn't much of a connoisseur back then, just knew if I liked it or not... well, that's still true :lol:).
I wanted to send a case to IGGY.
I saw some at the liquor store down the road. Can't remember what it tastes like either. It's like 7.99or 8.99 a sixer.
I used to occasionally get a 6 of the Strawberry Blonde many years ago during hot weather. Not bad beers, but nothing to get excited about. To quote Denis Leary "Pete's brew, Pete's wicked brew, Pete's wicked summer brew. Who the fuck is Pete? Fuck Pete!"
I absolutly loved Petes winter brew and was crushed when they stopped making it -- the Spring ale was good and the summer as well A helluva lot better than Sam Adams :sick: -- and Dennis Leary is a talking asshole who spews hot air and shit --
not much of a fan for petes, sam adams, summit.
I like my irish & german beer, then some brit beers. I tried the stella recently since some of you say its good, sorry to say but no thanks! I'll pass on stella.