PH/Moisture meter

I was at Lowe's today getting some top soil so I can start some of my Chinese seeds. I was told they are slow growers so even tho it won't be until June before I can even think of moving them outdoors, guess I can start them on their way.

Lowe's has this two pronged Moisture / PM meter that sounds pretty good if you read about it on the package so I'm wondering is it's worth getting one or is it just B.S./hype for getting another 20 bucks out of me.

Thanx . . . Butch
In my opinion and there will be lots who swear by them they are a waste of money. If you are growing seedlings to put outside you will only have them in a 4" maybe 6 " pots and it is pretty easy to tell if they need water in a small pot especially if you are using a soiless (SP) mix. In a 4" pot using soiless mix when it is light as a feather it needs water. Watering peppers can be a tricky thing but you have to know that they can wilt and look almost dead, give it water and it will come back.

I will agree here about not needing them for seedlings, but they are great in the summer if you use pots. I weight the bottoms of my pots so I am unable to tell by weight if they need water. The surface can look dry as a bone but the root zone is still OK, which you can find out with the meter. However, twenty bucks is a little much, picked mine up for about 5.
i got mine for seven, i think its useful but not twenty bucks useful. a lot of times i was gonna water but checked and found it was still dry-moist so i left it another couple days, plus i grow a whole heck of a lot of other plants so...
Those meters are usually cheap and unreliable. I'd pay the extra for a good Ph meter and wouldn't worry about the moisture metre too much.
gardenkiller said:
I will agree here about not needing them for seedlings, but they are great in the summer if you use pots. I weight the bottoms of my pots so I am unable to tell by weight if they need water. The surface can look dry as a bone but the root zone is still OK, which you can find out with the meter. However, twenty bucks is a little much, picked mine up for about 5.

I will be using 4-5 gallon pot's for the majority of my plants so it might be good to have one around.

GrumpyBear said:
i got mine for seven, i think its useful but not twenty bucks useful. a lot of times i was gonna water but checked and found it was still dry-moist so i left it another couple days, plus i grow a whole heck of a lot of other plants so...

They (Lowe's) had some of the single probe type moisture meters also for 7 bucks. I have this personal thing against buying crap made in China and unfortunatly, the moisture only meters were made in China. I would just as soon do without one if all they have is inferior "China made chit" I also put notes in the suggestion boxes complaining about this but I'm sure it falls on deaf ears. Just one of my "Pet Peeves" :banghead:

That is the main reason I have never shopped and never will shop at Wall-Mart!

Those meters are usually cheap and unreliable. I'd pay the extra for a good Ph meter and wouldn't worry about the moisture metre too much.

What is a good brand to purchase? Where did you get it? Will probably have to order one but might be able to find one if I wait until spring when the few local greenhouses here get stocked up. Right now it's the dead of winter here so not much if anything going on.
Look online for PH metres, or in hydro shops. There are many types depending on $$ and needs, and you should calibrate them frequently for accurate results
AKButch said:

They (Lowe's) had some of the single probe type moisture meters also for 7 bucks. I have this personal thing against buying crap made in China and unfortunatly, the moisture only meters were made in China. I would just as soon do without one if all they have is inferior "China made chit" I also put notes in the suggestion boxes complaining about this but I'm sure it falls on deaf ears. Just one of my "Pet Peeves :banghead:

That is the main reason I have never shopped and never will shop at Wall-Mart

mines two prongs and it tells both, i got it at crappy tire but it is made in china which i don't really mind b/c i figure i'll wait until i have money to have scruples, although i also despise walmart. the only time in the last ten years i've gone to walmart was when my mom needed duct tape at nine o'clock on a sunday...
Yea the 7 dollar one from Lowes sucks, you can put it in a glass of water and it will only read about a 7 on a scale to 10. So I took it back and got another one, same thing, these are junk.