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picked all the little ones so the big ones can grow!! (pic)

I think I have dorset nagas , naga morrich, and trinadad scopions???

I did not think that nagas are orange????

Naga Morich are very briefly orange b4 going red, but mine usually ripen mostly from the stem end first and will be red, orange and green all at once during ripening, b4 going all red.
Sorry mate but it looks like you have a cross with an orange hab!!!!!

Naga's are never that orange at any stage of ripening.....At least not in my garden....
Looks like you have a bunch of crosses. Got a few in my garden that look like yours also. Not true to seed but they are hot anyways.
my plants have 3 shapes of peppers on the same plant???

I will make video and upload for all you guys to see what kind of odd stuff I have going on..