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Picked During The Flood

I went around and picked pepper from all the stressed plants, some like the Jalapeno's I had literally dug up out of 2 foot of water, after 2 days in pots they seem to be holding on ....

Before Isaac



Wow, and I thought my area was bad! Those peppers do look good though, and it's probably a good thing you picked them when you did, since then the plants could focus on healing up and relieving some of that stress they got from the flooding
That was like me in FL after debbie... One of my gardens was completely immersed in water for a few hours... Salty water no less...

I waited a few days to see how they would do (plus it rained almost every day that month...) eventually picked the peppers, made sure everything was weeded, and while I lost a bunch of plants (its in my glog, but I think all totaled it was like 50 out of 400), none were really ones that were super important (those being in pots on the porch)...

The ones that survived, are still doing well, though are still unhappy about the excess rain situation that has persisted (as you know, my plants haven't really had a chance to dry out since debbie, other than about a week period of dry...). Fortunately we are almost out of teh rainy season. Though my gardens are in the hands of another while I study for grad school (seminary).

hope your plants do alright :)
Even my boxes are water logged its dropped 5 inches but Ive slowly watched many plants roots die off, I even dug some out filled in then put the root ball on top, so far looks like I'm gonna lose a dozen or so...=(
I'd be concerned about the gators and snakes. I understand they get kind of active with all that rain.