Picked Some Peppers - 1st Decent Pull Of 2013

1st decent pull of 2013.  Not the greatest but not too bad.  Have a lot of pods that should be coming home in the next week or so.  Anyway, here's what I got today:
PepperDaddler said:
Just wondering...are japs the only peppers that cork? I mean my datils do it every now and then, but how often does it happen with other varieties?
Good question.  Last week I saw some on my Tasmanian Black and it made me wonder the same thing.
Wustenfuchs said:
Good question.  Last week I saw some on my Tasmanian Black and it made me wonder the same thing.
Cant find a pic on google images. Do you have one?
I love dark pepper plant varieties.
All I get is actual black pepper and snakes.
Nigel said:
Love those cracked jalapeños.....
Thanks.  Grilled some tilapia today and made fish tacos.  Cut up a couple of the jalapenos - they were outstanding.  I usually can't wait for them to turn red.
PepperLover said:
great looking pods Terry
Thanks Judy - means a lot coming from you!
Wustenfuchs said:
Yeah, I noticed the jalapenos too, do you know the variety?  I've never met a corked jalapeno I didn't like.  :)
The jalapenos in the picture came from the local greenhouse.  Billy Bikers are also corked but haven't turned red yet - anxiously waiting!
PepperDaddler said:
Cant find a pic on google images. Do you have one?
I love dark pepper plant varieties.

All I get is actual black pepper and snakes.
Here's the only pic I have showing a bit of the corking on my Tas Black.  It's a really beautiful plant, I'll start a thread to show it off!  :dance:
Very nice Buddy!  Hoping that my pods start to ripen.  We're in the same region so it shouldn't be too long for me (I hope). 