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pickled Pickled Peppers

I decided to pickle some peppers that a neighbor gave me. The jalapenos are as hot as the cayennes.
Love the red KA. Did the 'peno's cross with the cayenne's? What vinegar and spices did you use? What are the other peppers in the other jars? What's in the 2 red pourer's? What's the deviation of a Canada goose flying at 1,000 feet, 45 degrees F, traveling at 14 mph with a quartering headwind of 5 mph?
Is is possible for them to cross?
Equal parts vinegar and water with an appropriate dose of salt.
Bananna peppers. The whole ones are my first attempt at fermenting...peppers that is.
Olive oil and veggie oil.
The total deviation is 3
Opened the sliced jals last night and they were pretty awesome on my pizza. Better than the store bought slices. A little warm this morning while spending time in "My Office".