"Pics to big"

I have always been able to take pics with miPad and load them right up. That's how I did the last TD. Even from my camera's memeory card and my laptop is getting the same notification, "pics too big". Is there some setting somewhere to make my pics smaller? Am I running out of room on the server?

I dunno. :mope:
I can't access images in "my gallery" anymore, to delete and clean out old images off the server to make room.
So I guess, if I don't buy the add on, I can't post pics?
"Pics too big"

Either we get to access our "gallery" and clear them out to make room, (like PMs) or we have to pay 10 bucks.

Which is it?

Any answer would be great.

Maybe a one time $10 unlimited data fee, then $35 annual renewal? Just a thought.
Thanks again Patrón!