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pig dung? anyone?

So I am working on this piece of ground where I want to plant my peppers in,in some time,the people here say pig dung works WONDERS..anyone agree? I'd agree,cuz a pig is like a living compost heap,but what do you guys say?
I wouldn't. But, the pigs diet is really going to be the biggest factor. Junk in, junk out right? there is a local pig farmer who gets the old, rotten milk from a local dairy every week. There is no way in hell that I would use anything from his pigs.

I am sure that some information could be found from some of the agriculture colleges. I would be surprised if there is not a paper or two written out there about this.
Sounds disgusting...not to mention like it could burn your plants. Go for worm castings and guano if you want to use poop man. Even chicken manure is a little better but its still literally hot.
Mushroom compost works great I've heard.


Looks like if it is properly composted it's great,IF not it can cause a world of hurt.

Too many other sources of manure-especially Alfalfa raised critters that are better poopers to use for ferts.

I worked at several resort kitchens that sold the pot washers trash to pig farmers.
Everything we washed/scraped off plates and pans went into a trash can of grease etc.
Nasty stuff.
It set out on the loading dock until enough cans were there for the buyer to come pick up.
THEN it was REALLY nasty stuff.

Picture 35 gal.trash cans full of grease and EVERYTHING else from a restaurant all fermenting for a week,then fed to your Bacon on the hoof...

When the tank truck came by it sucked it all up,along with thousands of Gal. of similar stuff from other places.
Our place only was about 400-500gal. a week minimum.
The truck held several thousand gal. of slop.

Making you hungry yet? LOL

All the pig farmers said they did was screen (run it through a wire mesh) the stuff,plastic spoons,glass etc. messed up their pigs.

Yum Yum...

IF the manure is from the pigs raised indoors it's even worse.
Tons of pigs on cement floors with drains.
The floor is flooded every so often to wash the crap away.

Real nasty stuff.

I'd guess a small time farmer/rancher with outdoor pens would be different.
I don't know.

Might depend on your pig poop source.

Seems there are safer ferts to get for cheap.

Horse boarders etc. love it when you haul away bandini mountain for free.
Big places sell it,small places don't produce enough to interest buyers.
The boarders stuff has alfalfa etc. in it=good stuff.

You have to compost it sometimes if the place is really small,but it's free.

As posted above,look for mushroom growers and such too.
Rabbit crap is really good once composted...
Not knowing your specific grow,I'd guess I'd go with even un composted manure from horses or alfalfa raised critters.
Till it into the ground in late summer,early fall.
Let the worms etc. do their thing.

Re Till before planting to kill weeds etc. and mix stuff in once again.
Even things out more or less.
First year on that spot might not be cool as you like,BUT you will be developing the soil,building it up.
I know several people who added a lot of organics to first year soil that went through a lot of work the first year with poorer results than they expected.

They found out the second year their soil kicked butt.

The organics had time to break down and build up all the good things plants like.

They learned to till the same stuff each year into their soil and now their gardens are great.

Going from raw soil to great gardening soil takes time.
Mother nature sometimes takes her time getting her act together.