food Pina Colada Meatballs

Sorry, no alcohol - this ain't the DC thread!

Went to Jungle Jim's International Market for the first time a couple weekends ago, and found coconut powder - not coconut milk powder, but the coconut meat very finely shredded and dehydrated. Picked up a bag of it, and thought I'd figure something to do with it. So here goes:


Yes, as the title suggests, meatballs. Used ground pork, coconut powder, crushed pineapple, lime juice, jalapenos, eggs, ginger, sea salt, allspice, mace, garlic, thai curry paste, and more ginger. Did I mention I used ginger??? Note I used crushed pineapple in pineapple juice, with no sugar added - I wasn't going for sweet with this, even though the title may suggest otherwise.

In researching how to use coconut powder, I learned a) that it can be used somewhat as a flour substitute, but also b) it has no binding agent. So you can substitute part or all of the flour in many recipes with it, but you need to use more eggs than you would if you were using flour. Also, don't bother trying to make a sauce with it, unless you are strictly using it for flavor or texture - NO binding means NO sauce otherwise.

Finished cooking:

There you go - you've seen one meatball, you've seen them all! Yeah, yeah, here's one cut open:

Decided to leave these "plain", with no sauce, to see if I liked the texture and flavor, which I generally did. Although I liked the flavor, but still felt something was missing. My son agreed, and grabbed the jar of cinnamon, after which he pronounced them "perfect." Hmmm - I was thinking something green, but to each his own. I also think they could have used a bit of fat mixed in - maybe coconut oil. I'll definitely make these again, and tweak it a bit.

Sauce? I'm used to doing the final cooking of meatballs in a sauce, and have been thinking about what I might use that wouldn't overwhelm the flavor of the meatballs. Any suggestions are welcome. Something in my head is saying "almond", or maybe "ginger" - we'll see. Did I mention that I like ginger? :lol:
They look just a tad dry. Powdered milk will help that. I'd dip those in Mae Ploy Sweet Thai Chile Sauce and eat as is. HB&R geeme!
Agreed, but the odd thing was that they weren't as dry as they look - as in I thought they would be dryer than they actually were, even looking at them in person. I'll try the powdered milk approach too - thanks for the suggestion!
Yes, as the title suggests, meatballs. Used ground pork, coconut powder, crushed pineapple, lime juice, jalapenos, eggs, ginger, sea salt, allspice, mace, garlic, thai curry paste, and more ginger. Did I mention I used ginger??? Note I used crushed pineapple in pineapple juice, with no sugar added - I wasn't going for sweet with this, even though the title may suggest otherwise.

Decided to leave these "plain", with no sauce, to see if I liked the texture and flavor, which I generally did. Although I liked the flavor, but still felt something was missing. My son agreed, and grabbed the jar of cinnamon, after which he pronounced them "perfect." Hmmm - I was thinking something green, but to each his own. I also think they could have used a bit of fat mixed in - maybe coconut oil. I'll definitely make these again, and tweak it a bit.
Nice experiment geeme! I'd leave out the lime juice and use fresh lemongrass, you get that citrusy hit you want w/o sourness and you also get the "green" you wanted and it keeps it Asian. That, and some scallions for a bite would be nice.

Sauce? Hmmm. A rendang style sauce would kill here! Traditional Malay sauce for slow cooked meat, with coconut and spices. Check it out.
I would have oyster or fish sauce in the mix too. I agree with THP on the scallions too. I reckon geeme that you don't really need our advice and that as you said you were just 'sperimentin'. Good stuff anyways.
Thanks, guys! I'll definitely check those suggestions out. I was thinking lemongrass tonight, too, but only had dried bits in the house - not optimal for these at all.

TB, come on now, you KNOW I just fake my way through the kitchen!
No prob geeme looking forward to more. As far as wanting more fat, ground pork is usually pretty fatty unless you bought lean. Once you brown them, if you get a sauce made up, simmer them in the sauce to finish. That should help! :)
Thanks, guys! I'll definitely check those suggestions out. I was thinking lemongrass tonight, too, but only had dried bits in the house - not optimal for these at all.

TB, come on now, you KNOW I just fake my way through the kitchen!

Don't kid yourself. I've cooked for myself, family, friends, and professionally. Every chef you ever met or heard of faked it as well. I stole every idea about cooking I ever had and winged it. It works.
Yeppers - this was pretty lean ground pork - the oil in the bottom of the pan is just that - olive oil. Very little fat was rendered out during the cooking process.
Yummy lookin' vittles G! Meatballs are like tacos, it don't matter what's in them, they're ALWAYS good!

It's funny that adding powder counters dryness.
Stuff like that keeps me awake at night...
Sponges come from the ocean!
Well, I'm sure it has to do with what's in that powder - specifically, milk fat. That way you would add fat without adding liquid, which would be a good thing in this case.
Glad you posted that... I was worried I offended, and became a "thread killer".
I am the perverbial. smart-a**. I try to be funny... key word "try"...

Again, great looking meatballs!!!
Well, I'm sure it has to do with what's in that powder - specifically, milk fat. That way you would add fat without adding liquid, which would be a good thing in this case.

You are correct geeme. The powdered milk binds with the pork fat to hold in the juices. It also has somewhat of a same effect in baking bread thus keeping it moist.
Going to try these again, probably Friday. Found some Thai chile-ginger sauce that I will try with them, and picked up lemongrass, etc.. I'll let you know the verdict afterwards.
Had a couple left from the first batch, and ate them for lunch today. Remembered I have some Miso Hoisin sauce in the fridge, and tried dipping them in that, which was a good thing. Then I thought "hmmmm.........", and mixed the Miso Hoisin sauce with minced lemongrass - EXCELLENT.

My son was still thinking he liked cinnamon with them, and mixed that with some other spices with cream cheese, and gave that a try with the meatballs. He liked it. Me? Not so much.

Now I can't wait to give these a go again - come on Friday!