food Pineapple - Carib Red Hab beef jerky

So over the weekend the local grocery store was running a buy one get one free sale on roasts. Deciced to pick up 4 of them and use one for beef jerky.

I had it sliced up and stared the marinade for it. Not sure of the exact measurements
but it had
Soy sauce
Worchestershire sauce
garlic power
onion powder
ground pepper
liguid smoke
and hot sauce

I substituted the reg hot sauce with some of my own to give it a decent kick for the kids.
I made some sauce the weekend before and when I strained the pulp out I kept it in the freezer and then eventually dried it and made a powder. It is basically a pineapple and carib red hab powder. Anyhow after the meat marinated I laid it out on the dehydrator and on the top row i used some of the powder to give even more of a kick for me.

all I can say is wow this stuff is awesome. You get the beef jerky flavor first then the pineapple comes in over the top of that followed by the heat.
Will me making this one again.
So the new batch was done marinating last night, here are the pics as it goes into the dehydrator pics 1 and 2 are just regular jerky 3 and 4 are with the pineapple poweder added



powder added

