food Pink hot sauce

Staring at my Paper Lanterns and White Habs today, I thought it would be funny to try making a pink hot sauce. Turned out more salmon than pink, but close enough.

Sort of my starting point for this nonsense:


I think I added a little cumin and ginger to taste and a dash of ketchup to tweak the color. In retrospect I probably should have gone with strawberries instead of raspberries, but the raspberries are on sale and I'm a cheap bastard. :lol:

Anyway, ingredients in the pot:


And blended together:


Think it could use a little sugar... raspberries weren't as good as I hoped. I'll let it sit overnight and taste it again tomorrow. I'll call it a partial success.
Parsnips rock. I have 2 in the works with them.

Yeah, I'll have to experiment with them more. I like parsnips on their own, it's only recently that I realized I could use them as a base for sauces. They're more readily available than white carrots, as both work well as neutrally colored additions.