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Pink Slime insideBell Peppers?


Has anyone seen this before? We've been getting these a lot lately at the pizza joint i work at. Any ideas what's causing this? Is it safe?
I thought they just put the Pink Slime in Walmart beef.
Now they're putting it in Bell peppers?
Maybe they had some leftover and injected it into the Bell peppers to increase the weight for selling. lol J/K

seriously tho, that's gross.
from what i can get its a fungus
not sure which on and really not sure what to do for one that internal ??
Yeah we threw the infected peppers away. It's been happening a lot lately. I was just curious if anyone else had seen it before. Thanks for the help!
I worked at a produce market for awhile a couple years back. I remember the owners (who had been in the produce biz for 30+ yrs) saying that something like this could be one of two things. Fungus has been brought up already and that is one of them the other is mold. Yes mold comes in many many colors including pink. This is gross but the pink stuff that everyone calls soap scum in the bottom of your bathtub is soap deposites but also a form of pink slimy mold.

So that being said yes complain to the supplier and don't throw them away most suppliers want to see the damage or problem for themselves. If your supplier can't remedy this switch suppliers or just start picking them up from the grocery store.

Good luck. Hope they get rid of the yucky bells.
we make corn tortillas fresh at my work and if they are packaged while still warm they get moldy quik. I have seen red,brown,pink, green, yellow, blue, black, fuzzy mold