I have finally worked myself out of the issues I faced early in this growing season and have 3 subjects for my project. I have a pimenta de neyde that is the result of one of my many botanical surgeries, a peach bhut jolokia and a red bhut jolokia. The peach bhut and the PDN have buds present. The red bhut should not be far behind. I will cross all three back and forth to each other making each plant the donating plant and the receptor plant. This may be redundant, but I don't know that for a fact and unless persuaded otherwise , will carry on as indicated. I don't have pictures of the subjects at this time but will attempt to post them soon. I also think I have a picture of the PMD pre surgery and post op. I have gotten helmet heads down to a slight inconvenience.
I say good luck to you HP22BH.
From what I remember of the original project (from aispes or the other), many many grew out F2 seeds from the original cross and only one grower ended up with the striped red pepper, the original pimenta leopard. And... it was continued which lead to other colors in the F3s and many, many not striped pods. The pink tiger coming out of the other color striped family.
I'm sure someone on here can fill us in with more accurate info, but that's the way I remember it.
& If I'm correct, the plants this year are F5s. ???
So don't expect an instant striped pepper within the first few years, but know it's possible to find one.
Anything is possible. You could find one in the F2 stage even.
You might want to get as many people growing out the F2s and beyond if you can not grow out many plants yourself. Increase your odds!
I also think using the peach bhut is a good idea!
GA Growhead said:
I say good luck to you HP22BH.
From what I remember of the original project (from aispes or the other), many many grew out F2 seeds from the original cross and only one grower ended up with the striped red pepper, the original pimenta leopard. And... it was continued which lead to other colors in the F3s and many, many not striped pods. The pink tiger coming out of the other color striped family.
I'm sure someone on here can fill us in with more accurate info, but that's the way I remember it.
& If I'm correct, the plants this year are F5s. ???
So don't expect an instant striped pepper within the first few years, but know it's possible to find one.
Anything is possible. You could find one in the F2 stage even.
You might want to get as many people growing out the F2s and beyond if you can not grow out many plants yourself. Increase your odds!
I also think using the peach bhut is a good idea!
Thanks for the input.
I didn't plan to see immediate success and am planning on multiple plantings for each subject plants offspring. And not having a good grasp on the genetics of each parent is why I am planning on such a diversity of crosses. It is difficult to know which plant will be most receptive to the desired traits being pursued. As I contemplate the progression of the project I am beginning to fully realize how huge it could expand to if I want to take full advantage of all the possibilities.
GA Growhead said:
I'm not sure which parent was the pollen donor. I assume the PDN.
Sounds like you have you bases covered!
Oh no, I am going to use pollen from the PDN to fertilize flowers on both Bhuts and pollen from both Bhuts to fertilize flowers on the PDN. No stones unturned. :D
PepperLover said:
to me the pink tiger just turned peach no marking, is that normal to you all?
I have a pink/purple superhot hybrid that is not the Pink Tiger and certain pods on it are getting the stripes. Only a few of them though. The coloration is definitely contigent upon the amount of sun hitting the fruit.

The original photos of the tiger,leopard,elisa etc,etc...that were floating around were very grungy, HDR photography. That added to the allure but not exactly accurate.
CAPCOM said:
Ramping up this years grow.
I have as many varieties of bhut as I can find to get various cats out of them.
I just ate my first Peach Bhut of the season... Sweet and Floral with a good all over mouth burn, gums and all... Hopeful for a good geno to continue with, I have already got it in 4 pending crosses..
KrakenPeppers said:
I just ate my first Peach Bhut of the season... Sweet and Floral with a good all over mouth burn, gums and all... Hopeful for a good geno to continue with, I have already got it in 4 pending crosses..
Including Nuclear, right?
CAPCOM said:
Including Nuclear, right?
If you include Butch-T and Red Moruga  nuclear then yes :drooling: Its also mixed with a  Yaki Blue and a Chocolate Habanero.. Pods are about half way done atm.. so seeds should be in the ground soon.
The good thing about these peach bhuts ( I think its more a Tangerine, certaintly not the pale skin peach colour or an orange colour ) is the plant has a nice universal look to all its pods so far.. I hate the way some varieties just scatter pods in various shapes and sizes ..
*** That bhut made my stomach really burn for quiet a while after, haven't felt that since I ate my last Butch-T or Reaper... Hmm interesting
KrakenPeppers said:
If you include Butch-T and Red Moruga  nuclear then yes :drooling: Its also mixed with a  Yaki Blue and a Chocolate Habanero.. Pods are about half way done atm.. so seeds should be in the ground soon.
The good thing about these peach bhuts ( I think its more a Tangerine, certaintly not the pale skin peach colour or an orange colour ) is the plant has a nice universal look to all its pods so far.. I hate the way some varieties just scatter pods in various shapes and sizes ..
*** That bhut made my stomach really burn for quiet a while after, haven't felt that since I ate my last Butch-T or Reaper... Hmm interesting
I was making reference to your, obviously radiated blossoms and deformed pods.