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Plant and Pot size.

Evening guys/gals

Im sure this has been posted before, but anyways. I have 3 Cayenne about 40 days old, they are about 6 inches tall and have about 6 sets of true leaves. Currently they are in 10cm diameter pots, Im wondering that if I pot up would the plant then stop growth on top and start growing more roots because of the increased space in a bigger pot? and does the pot size affect the plant size? Im planning on keeping them indoors in pots due to the fact I am not liucky enough to live in a warm sunny climate!

My hots sprouted the other day there and I was quite lucky, planted 3 hab orange seeds and 3 scotch bonnets! all 6 germinated within 9 days :) but my jolokias, out of the 10 seeds I planted only 4 germinated! can see the first set of leaves already.

Putting them in a bigger pot would be a good idea. I made the imstake of putting them in small pots, then letting them stay in there. There's no shortage of 5-gallon pots that are 30cm in diameter, and 30cm tall, so if you're limited in space, they should do fine.
Yes they will benefit from repotting in something larger now. When you do that they will put a little more energy into growing the roots than currently, but will still grow on top as well. IF you have good soil, plenty of sun, and a long enough growing season, pot size greatly affects plant size until you get into a fairly large pot, say around 10 gallons then the return becomes diminishing by going larger.. and yet, you wouldn't have to water as often.

However since you are keeping them indoors, unless you have a very strong light setup they won't grow fast, won't need more than around 4 or 5 gallon pot the first season, and might even get by with less than that BUT if you plan on keeping the plant growing year 'round, choosing a pot on the larger size now will eliminate the need to repot into that size pot later.