Plant diagnosis***Update***

Well, I received news from OSU today. and its not too bad...
Here are the reports:
Diagnosis and Recommendations:Host/Habitat Pepper (Capsicum annuum var.); Cultivar: serrano chili
Diagnosis/ID Confirmed for: Oedema; Edema (Abiotic disorder)
Final Report :
The bumps on the pepper leaves are characteristic of a condition called edema, a non-infectious disorder.
The blisters develop when plants absorb more water than they are able to transpire. Later, the blisters may
rupture resulting in a scaly, crusty look and some distortion of the affected leaves.
Some plants, such as ivy geranium, are well known to suffer from edema and with ivy geranium, there are
some varieties that develop edema more frequently than others. Edema is an unusual problem on pepper,
there may be varietal differences among pepper types as there are among ivy geraniums.
Plant growth and production should not be significantly affected. The problem may, or may not, subside
once the affected plants are outdoors.
Barbara Bloetscher(, Nancy J. Taylor (; Dr.
Bob Precheur.
For C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic
Completed Date: 3/14/2008

The Tomato plant was even more surprising, since I was convinced that it was Bacterial Spot.

Diagnosis and Recommendations:Host/Habitat Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum); Cultivar: big beef
Diagnosis/ID Suspected for: Nutrient Imbalance (Abiotic disorder)
Final Report :
The tomato sample is exhibiting symptoms of nutritional deficiency and stress. The fertilizer you are using
is very high in phosphorus, an imbalance may be occurring, it may also be causing some soluble salts
problems. The fertilizer is entering the pots from the bottom and as the water evaporates the fertilizer salts
are left behind. Also, the fact that you are allowing the plants to become "really dry" may be concentrating
salts as well.
You should begin watering these plants from the top. Initially, consider leaching the pots to remove any
buildup of fertlizer salts. Then switch to a more balanced fertilizer such as 20-20-20 or 15-30-15 fertilizer
until you have transplanted the plants to the field. After transplanting, you could switch back to your
"BloomBuster" fertilizer which would be more appropriate for plants in flower. See the attached file from
Bulletin 672, "Ohio Vegetable Production Guide".
Nancy J. Taylor (; Dr. Bob Precheur.
For C. Wayne Ellett Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic Completed Date: 3/14/2008

I am glad that I was just over reacting and nothing too serious is going on. I'm still a little confused about the Edema since I don't think that I over water, but in the end I guess that I did...

Thanks for everyone's support :)

DrHavanger said:
Good to know what was wrong.

thank god it wasn't bacterial wilt or spot....glad you found out about it...AND...what the university recommends for peppers...
AlabamaJack said:
thank god it wasn't bacterial wilt or spot....glad you found out about it...AND...what the university recommends for peppers...

Burpee is OFF the hook. They still have my respect...

I have never had a problem with Burpee....has anyone else?
Burpee has always had a good reputation and fast shipping. I was just questioning them because bacterial spot would have been a seed problem since everything I'm using this year is new. That is why I said Burpee is OFF the hook and that they still have my respect...I will be doing buisness with them again.
its also good that you know for sure what was wrong so you can recognize it if it happens again. and you shared that knowledge with us, so thank you :)
Good news! Gotta love a good extension office.

My problems with Burpee are more in their business practices than in their products.
Pam said:
Good news! Gotta love a good extension office.

My problems with Burpee are more in their business practices than in their products.

Pam, could you please send me a PM to elaborate? I'm not familiar with what you are referencing...
mudatvs said:
Pam, could you please send me a PM to elaborate? I'm not familiar with what you are referencing...

Oh, it's not a secret, and not only Burpee does it. It's things like breeding varieties a couple of years, them renaming them and selling them as new varieties. Things like telling you that there weren't any diseases that could come from their seeds. Misleading descriptions in their catalog, that sort of thing.
Pam said:
Oh, it's not a secret, and not only Burpee does it. It's things like breeding varieties a couple of years, them renaming them and selling them as new varieties. Things like telling you that there weren't any diseases that could come from their seeds. Misleading descriptions in their catalog, that sort of thing.

Marketing....Defn: science of telling a bad story in a good light........
Thanks for putting it in perspective. They did refuse to even consider that their seeds could have been bad. But, they were nice about it. I guess they have just gotten too big for their own good. Who would you recomend? TomatoGrowers?
mudatvs said:
Thanks for putting it in perspective. They did refuse to even consider that their seeds could have been bad. But, they were nice about it. I guess they have just gotten too big for their own good. Who would you recomend? TomatoGrowers?

Well, I order from Tomato Growers Supply, but I can't speak as to their customer service, though, because I've never had a problem! You'll also get a lot of recommendations around here for Peppermania. They're a small operation and very customer friendly.
I, like Pam, have had very good luck with tomato growers seeds...germination around 80 percent for their seeds and peppermania is good to with a high germination percent for the seeds I have from Beth...

I had recommended seedman earlier this year and I won't recommend him for seeds...I replanted 30 seeds from him to see if the fungus/mold problem I had hurt those but alas, I got 3 out of thirty on the replant...about the same as first planting...and I really wanted those peppers that did not come up...dangit...honestly, the best seeds I have received are from members here doing trades...running about 85% germination...
Thanks Pam and AJ, I will remember this next year during seed time. The lady at Burpee was nice but really kind-of indignant about my questions. Like she was trying to say "How dare you question OUR seeds?" I did purchase seeds from Tomato Growers this year and was very pleased with their shipping and my germination rates.