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plant ID

hello, when i bought a few new plants yesterday, i was given a "mystery" plant no one knew what kind of pepper it is. leaves look similar to habs but i am a noob so probably wrong.

thanks for any help that is given! :)
I'd say the only way to tell is to wait until you actually start to see some definition in any pods to even start guessing as to the type. Thats only my opinion though. Good luck with the ID
Trips is right, there is no way to tell what the variety is until it produces. Definitely of the capsicum chinense species though (same species habs belong to).
ok, well i have not gotten pods "yet" but i notices some flowers buds growing. Can you experts narrow it down a little but the number of flowers growing from the same spot? here are a couple pics i took this morning

It's a C. chinense. that's what the leaves and buds are telling us... there are endless C. chinense varieties. until we see fruits, we can't ID it.
It's a C. chinense. that's what the leaves and buds are telling us... there are endless C. chinense varieties. until we see fruits, we can't ID it.
i figured as much, i had a feeling it was in the C.chinense family but was not sure and the fact that i have a few C.chinense plants that are not flowing like this i thoughti would toss a pic out and see the responses. well i will post pics once the pods arrive and are big enough to ID.

Thank again y'all.

ok ID experts, i came home and checked on the kids and this is what i found

so are there any guesses as to what it might be?