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seeds Planted seeds, but a few questions

I planted most of the seeds for next years grow (except a few I am going to get from AjiJoe) in Jiffy pots and put them near a south facing window. I have a few questions; how long should I wait before I give up on germination for a seed? Most of the seeds are C. Chinense. I noticed some say they place a heating pad under the Jiffy pots, should I and it should be on the lowest setting?
I germ at room temperature. In 2 weeks, I had 22 out of 30 varieties sprouted. Using heat mats speeds the process. Some varieties can take up to a month. I would not give up until after a month.
It sounds stupid, but it's hard to get enough light through a window for baby seedlings.A bay window would help, but surround lighting is what they really hungry for. I would recommend some artificial light 2" above the plant. at least to supplement the shorter days of winter. The plants will want to stretch and lean too much, I'd fear. They will tell within a day or three of sprouting what they need but the window of opportunity is very short on some things. Do you have a lid on them to prevent drying out? It only takes a few hours of dry to kill a sprout that has started but hasn't broke ground.
Good Luck for 2014!