• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.


So this year list
Zapotec Jalapeno - Baker Creek
Mucho Nacho Jalapeno F1 - Sandia seed company

Jalapeno Azabache - Chris Fowler
A medium heat brown Jalapeno cultivar which I had a hand in growing out with my friend Stefan in Holland who created it.

Medium heat with great flavour which makes an excellent sauce

They ripen to chocolate/ brown colour.

Maldivian Heart Red - Jim Duffy
Maldivian Heart Red selected form spade phenotype OP
Harold St Bart's Habanero - Luc ( though trade France )
Sweet Peppers
Jupiter -Ferry Morse
Red Sun Farms


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I took seed form the red one in the pic didn't care for the chocolate one but red was fine .
I figure it's some hybrid but decided to experiment & see what comes of it.
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So I want to cross the Zapotec Jalapeno with the Mucho Nacho Jalapeno F1
Then select form there starting in 2026
I will call it Fajra
I also would like to cross the Cherokee purple with Mamie Brown & see the results form that
Probably be a purple color as Mamie is pink maybe a color similar to purple boy or Indian Stripe but will need to look into crossing tomatoes first
My main focus will be on the Fajra Jalapeno in coming years have limited space
I would still like to keep the maldivian heart red going so might need to look into some isolation cloth for next season
I have in my notes what I had going last season in case the maldivian red heart I've selected is crossed
I am also interested in the Azabache Jalapeno looks more like a Jalapeno to me than the Brown Jalapeno & has heat
Also have various flowers & herbs for pollination & beneficial insects for fighting the bad bugs

The sweet peppers will be in the front of the house while the hot peppers in the back .
I did forget to sow the sweet peppers but will sow those two when I sow the tomatoes this coming March
I am not two far behind our towns garden shop on seed starting so I figure I am good .
May have over did it a tad space wise but I will figure something out .


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There spot for awhile with the humidity dome will move to the garage when it's warmer or I get a heat mat for them
I do have a Orange Heart Maldivian or at least that what the tag says overwintered in the kitchen I forgot about so even if the ones in the garage died at least one makes it
Maybe I should start at least 2 or the 3 in the in the fall & keep them like that it's a thought anyways