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Plants dropping peppers

Is this a common situation? All my plants are healthy and full of pods, but everyday I come home to find pods on the ground( both small pods and larger ones).Think I read somewhere that these could be un-pollinated and the plant is ditching them. If this is normal, is there anything I should be looking for? BTW, the plants are red and orange habaneros and red bhuts. Thanks in advance,Pat
Are they dropping PODS or FLOWERS? If they're dropping flowers, it is normal, it happens. Maybe too hot. Usually when these plants r ready, they will start producing.
If they are dropping actual pods then its not because they are unpollinated. They fact that they r PODS means they have already been pollinated.
maybe your plants are running out of nutes so they drop em. 
whats/when are your nutes doing?
Are there any holes at the stems / base of the nodes? there is a pest that will bore into the stems and cause drop.
As noted above, the flowers would be pollinated or the pods would not exist. Heat can cause them to drop, as already noted, as can other stress factors, such as not watering enough. Also, look closely at where they came off - does it look like an animal or insect chewed through? A larger animal could simply knock them off, too.
These are pods that are dropping and as someone noted, it could be heat related. Getting up into the upper 80's and lower 90's regularly now and getting some good thunderstorms/ wind in the afternoons( plants are in tomato cages) . I have noticed that some of the area where the stem joins the top of the pepper seem to be yellowing .BTW, I have 50% shadecloth over the plants  Might be normal but its real frustrating seeing all those peppers on the ground.....