Please explain this growth pattern

This is a view from the top of a plant.  I get this growth pattern sometime with Chiles.  Notice the clear path to the middle of the plant as all of the top leaves are facing outward.  It appears to me that that are trying to get away from the light.  Is my theory correct or is something else causing the growth pattern?
Maybe its trying to allow more light onto the buds..not sure.
What is interesting is that its forked 3 ways. 
welcome to chins.
completely normal in my experience.  when they split like that, they usually go 2, 3 or 4 ways. then they just split in twos thereafter. each node will have several buds, early on, you will be lucky to set more than 1 of those buds as an actual pod. as the plant grows out, you might get like 2-4 pods off the same node.
Agree it's not uncommon with chinenses. But, unlike queequeg, I've had plants that set 6-7 pods per node. 
I would think. Tricotyledonous,  three cotyledons, or tricot,  Did it have three leafs,branches as it grown or just when it went to flower?
juanitos said:
more sprouts out = more leaves / nodes in the long run, seems like the plant is saying he's happy..
Maybe the plant is a she :)  In any event, thanks for the replies.  I agree—I should get awesome internodal spacing with the light getting all of the way through, and with my new side lighting.  Unlike my last indoor grow, I'm not going to bother pulling buds of plants until I think they are big enough.  I'll let nature do what it wants to do.
Mr. Hill said:
I would think. Tricotyledonous,  three cotyledons, or tricot,  Did it have three leafs,branches as it grown or just when it went to flower?
Not sure - Haven't been paying that much attention to the branching.
Look and see if the plant has three leafs instead of the normal two. Kind of a Y in the why the leafs grown.  Tricots are not normal but happen with most Bicot plants. 
Sometimes you just get a "mutant" too. This season I had a cayenne plant that grew like a "shaggy bush" many many tiny branches. Many many tiny leaves. The plant only got about a foot, and half tall. It's peppers came ou fine though.
There are many "mutant" things that can happen I had plants that had 4 leafs, but even 6 or 8 in't unheard of.  Then there's crest and that is really cool and it can happen at almost any point of the plant's growth that can grow normal branches off the crest.   I like to say "Genetics don't lie" if your willing to understand what it's saying lol 
Did it have three cotyledon? Something like that is not easily missed.
If not it's likely just a stupidly short internode.
It does that to increase distance between leaves so they don't overlap and shade each other as much.  They tend to do it more in higher light environments because they're not trying to get as leggy, tall as possible to get taller than plants around it for more light.