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please help id this chilli?

hi folks i was givin these seeds from a friend but he didnt know what type they were but they are looking brill and healthy the pods are upright and green so far (exuse my ignorance im pretty new at this chilli buisness lol) anyhow heres a link to my pics the quality isnt very good but its alright its the camera on my crappy wee phone lol thanks again for suggestions if any 
link= http://gaffers1.imgur.com/all/
gaffers1 said:
hi folks i was givin these seeds from a friend but he didnt know what type they were but they are looking brill and healthy the pods are upright and green so far (exuse my ignorance im pretty new at this chilli buisness lol) anyhow heres a link to my pics the quality isnt very good but its alright its the camera on my crappy wee phone lol thanks again for suggestions if any 
link= http://gaffers1.imgur.com/all/
Your images are not publicly available so we wont be able to see them. 
hogleg i think you nailed it mate!! i been doing a bit of checking online and it certainly looks like a fresno even the leaves too thanks everyone who helped this web site rocks!!
Looks alot like my Fresono pepper plants.   They are similar to Jalaps.   Did the stems and leaves of the plants have a a pronounced fuzziness to them when they were young? 