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plant-i.d. Please help me identify

When I planted the seedlings in February, I marked this as a Poblano. But as the plant matures, it looks less and less like a poblano.
Plant is about 2' tall flowering nicely, with some fruit, which can be green, orange or bright red. I bought a set of organic seeds from Sereniseed, so it must be one of the following: Jalapeno, Cal Wonder, Red Habanero, Thai hot, Poblano, Serrano Tampiqueno, black Hungarian, Hungarian hot wax, Cayenne, Numex Joe e Parker, or Anaheim.
With its wrinkly appearance, they look a lot like pictures of numex joe Parker, but they are WAY too small.
Flowers are white.

Any help appreciated! I've looked at photos of all of the above, and none seem quite right. I haven't harvested one yet to test its spice, but that might be a good idea.


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Upon further research, I think it might be an Aleppo. While I didn't order, let alone plant, any Aleppo, Seriniseed does sell them as part of a sampler pack, and it's possible one seed got into one of my packages. I cut one open and the cross-section is just like an Anaheim, but it's much smaller and MUCH hotter.
It looks similar to and has lobes like Aleppo, but Aleppo are bigger and aren't particularly hot. It doesn't look close enough to anything on your list that I'd ID it as such, with its size and having lobes versus a pointed end being key distinctions I notice from the more similar ones. My bet would be that the seed was accidentally hybridized.
They look exactly like the Italian pepperoncini that I have growing. They are not spicy at all. Very delicious. My kids will eat them right off the plant when they see a ripe one.
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Upon further research, I think it might be an Aleppo. While I didn't order, let alone plant, any Aleppo, Seriniseed does sell them as part of a sampler pack, and it's possible one seed got into one of my packages. I cut one open and the cross-section is just like an Anaheim, but it's much smaller and MUCH hotter.
About how spicy was it?
@lesmyer agreed - none of those look like poblanos or mulato. Pasilla possibly, but they're a bit short for that. They look rather anaheim-ish to me, but that's a very broad category.
Yeah, they seem to be some sort of anaheimish pepper. Closest visual match I have come across is "shishito" but the plants are much taller and the peppers somewhat spicier. Now I'm paranoid about buying seeds..... They were getting $3-$4 for 10 seeds. You would think they would get it right. Also strange that all three I bought gave almost identical "wrong" peppers.
Thanks! I hope they turn out to be what is expected! Trying to make some authentic Mole' sauce and as I understand it, these are supposed to be the Trinity of chili peppers!! Last year was certainly a bust. I grew chili peppers, but none were what they were supposed to be. Dried what I grew and made some chili powder that we have been using, but the entire thing was not very satisfying. They just weren't the right ones.