please help

i need an overwinter. doesnt have to be a good producer or the thickest of stems i just want the wood stem so that i can do a bonsai for my girl as a gift. reply to this thread or pm
I have an Arbol and a Pequin I am hoping one day to train. Arbol is very woody/twig like, I like the idea of Pequin though because the peppers would be more proportioned to the plant. Good luck let us know what/howyou do!
I have one I can send you. pm me. Its an unknown superhot.

- Mega

Here is what you would be working with.


- Mega
Now I am going to have to look over my overwinters and hope some of them make it....The deep freeze we had in January wrecked shop on them....Cut them back to sticks, and some of them are now showing signs of life....There might be one or two that could be good candidates for Bonchi experiments....I really like the idea of doing this! The only issue I have is that the wintered varieties I have are all Plain Jane stuff like Jalapenos and orange Habaneros......
.As soon as my bonsai candidate plants are big enough this year I'm immediately cutting a couple back just so I can make sure I have a couple plants producing during winter. I'm going to have a primo, sepia serpent, and an infinity producing through the cold indoors. actually an orange hab would make a pretty cool bonsai
I was thinking the same sort of thing!
Grow a ton of plants, and come winter, select some for Bonchi projects :)
In the meantime, perhaps a Jalapeno would be fun, I have a few of those wintering and already cut back to fat sticks...LOL
One of them was brought home by our daughter (who hates all peppers both sweet and hot) from a fair a couple years ago, sat in a windowsill suffering for a couple years, and finally planted in the ground last season. It now has a gnarly stem, so it could be a "sentimental" one to select.
i have a couple bonsai fruit trees going right now that i picked up at lowes for 4 bucks. well they are grafted dwarfs but i keep them looking bonsai like. a jalapeno sounds like a nice plant to bonchi cant go wrong with those and yours is sentimental. i might do a community winter bonsai grow log this year that would be a fun thing to do if we could get people to bonsai a few plants
Heck yeah!
I want to start as soon as possible...LOL
I might have to select the honored candidates and bring them into the house to warm up and sprout some leaves :)
Then go from there.