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Please identify this pod!

So this guy had a lost dog tag and was almost dead. I put him in the ground and he finally got his act together. So here ya go!



Have to see what the ripe chilli colour is I think, light green could mature to any colour.
I've got even got a red hab* that is that light green colour before ripening.

*I don't know what my chili plant is though either.
Not sure about the type of pepper but the plant size resembles my Yellow CARDI Scorpion.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

On a serious note Jamie, it looks like it wants some Cal/Mag.
Thank you every one for responding, except you Al :lol: I am thinking sweet venetian habanero but will find out soon enough( when i eat it) and let you know! :rofl:

what makes you say it needs Cal/Mg? I am interested to know so i can learn.


My leaves started wrinkling like those in the pic. A search returned suggestions of a Magnesium and or Calcium deficiency. I applied a foliar spray of Cal/Mag and the leaves flattened out with-in a couple of days.

Sorry for the hijack Jamie.